Vintage View
Vintage View Floor To Ceiling metal frame racking in two options. One one-sided floating wine wall configuration is perfect for displays. That need to go against custom-tiled walls. Or be set off for any reason. The two-sided floor-to-ceiling mounting wine rack configuration is a perfect kit. To create room dividers or push displays up against glass walls in stunning fashion.
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Vintage View Floor To Ceiling has taken the modern look of floating wine racks and applied it to the Vino Pin Series. These popular frames require no wall, even though they can be attached to a wall with a standoff bracket set. Constructed of commercial-grade steel and aluminum, the Floating Wine Rack Kit comes with everything you need to assemble a single-sided wine rack column. This display holds up to 20 standard wine bottles.
The W Series Frame System brings the patented W Series wine rack off the wall to create stunning floating wine displays. Perfect as room dividers, against glass, or in front of tile or stone work where drilling may be difficult.